Selasa, 13 Juni 2017
Kamis, 18 Mei 2017
Tutorial Printer Sharing
Think and Action
Mei 18, 2017
Tutorial Printer Sharing
*) Tutorial in Windows 8.1 (HACKONX PC) and Windows 10 (NOVIANDRY PC)
*) Must be there two computer Connecting in one network For example in this tutorial is computer HACKONX PC (installed Printer Driver) and NOVIANDRY PC (without printer) .
Let’s practice these steps!
Open Windows Explorer
1. Click Network on Windows Explorer.
2. Click name of HACKONX PC.
3. Double click a printer name.
4. Wait until Printer driver is installing.
5. Start - Devices and Printers.
6. Now, we can see an expected printer name.
7. Ready to start printing.
*) Tutorial in Windows 8.1 (HACKONX PC) and Windows 10 (NOVIANDRY PC)
*) Must be there two computer Connecting in one network For example in this tutorial is computer HACKONX PC (installed Printer Driver) and NOVIANDRY PC (without printer) .
- Go right cursor to windows icon and click right
- Click control panel.
- Hardware and sounds.
- Click device and printer.
- Then right click the printer you want to share => click printer properties.
- Click the sharing tab => check this share printer.
- Click OK
Let’s practice these steps!
Open Windows Explorer
1. Click Network on Windows Explorer.
2. Click name of HACKONX PC.
4. Wait until Printer driver is installing.
5. Start - Devices and Printers.
6. Now, we can see an expected printer name.
7. Ready to start printing.
Tutorial Map Directory
Think and Action
Mei 18, 2017
Tutorial Map Directory
*) Must be there two computer Connecting in one network For example in this tutorial is computer HACKONX PC and NOVIANDRY PC. We will created Map Directory in HACKONX PC folder from NOVIANDRY PC.
*) Must be there two computer Connecting in one network For example in this tutorial is computer HACKONX PC and NOVIANDRY PC. We will created Map Directory in HACKONX PC folder from NOVIANDRY PC.
Senin, 24 April 2017
- Buat document MS. Word sebagai dokumen untuk membuat mail marge.
- Buka MS.
Excel dan buat data yang di perlukan untuk di gabung ke dokumen.
- Setelah selesai save file Excel tersebut dan masuk kembali ke MS. Word.
- Masuk ke Menu bar Mailings.
- Pilih menu Select Recipents.
- Pilih Use Existing List.
- Cari File Excel Yang Telah telah Kita buat tadi Klik Open.
- Pada Select Table Pilih Sheet yang ada datanya contoh Sheet1$ berarti data yang dimasukan berada di Sheet 1.
- Kemudian Beberapa menu Mail marge khusus nya dalam Writing & Insert fields akan Aktif.
- Kemudian kita klik Insert Marge File Untuk memastikan apakah sudah terhubung atau belum dan apakah data yang di perlukan sudah benar.
- Jika sudah benar maka tinggal memasukan data yang kita inginkan.
- Selesai.
Senin, 03 April 2017
8. MAke a post For Displaying a Video
Think and Action
April 03, 2017
Company Profile LP3I Tasikmalaya
7. Tutorial about File Sharing Using Permission Level No Editing!
Think and Action
April 03, 2017
1. We Search file which we
wont to Sharing
2. we can make a folder
and then move a file in a folder or if you wan’t make a folder you can langsung
klik right the folder and choice share with then choice specific people
3. and then show display
like this choice everyone
4. and then because we
will using permission level no editing in level editing we choice read only
5. Share